Martina Calistro - Trapani
The excellence of Italian creativity. Creativity, style, research and elegance transformed into art: all synonyms to indicate the brand: MARTINA CALISTRO. The company was born in Trapani in 2023, in the wake of an already existing family business. Original, exuberant and precious, the owner's creations fully play the role of wedding favors and ""fashionable"" gift items, of great aesthetic value, always in step with the times. MARTINA CALISTRO combines artisanal quality, traditional technique and contemporary elegance. Christmas bells give emotions and convey personality. Glass and bilaminated silver plates depicting various subjects are combined in a new and exclusive way by the Trapani company. Every time a different revelation, which represents the perfect harmony between classic and modern taste.
Catégorie de produit
Maison et Décoration
Les produits à la foire
- Christmas decorations
- Single-component nativity scenes - Statuary groups
- Pictures with coral decorations
- Vases in glass, porcelain, crystal decorated in various ways