
Birra agricola Romagnola - Marialti

Birra agricola Romagnola - Marialti

Welcome to Marialti: our passion, your beer who we are a bio farm with roots firmly planted in the fertile land of Romagna. Our mission is to create artisan beer of the highest quality, authentically Italian, that captures the soul and the unique taste of our region. Our difference there that makes our beer unique is the starting point: the raw materials. We cultivate barley and hops directly in our countryside with love and dedication. Our wild, native hops is a treasure of nature, with delicate floral notes that give our beers a unique and inimitable flavor. Romagna's magic of the territory is our home, and its beauty is reflected in our product. The spices used in our beers are produced by other farms in our area. This local collaboration allows us to offer you a beer that is a true expression of Romagna. Our commitment to quality The quality is our mantra. From the care with which we cultivate the raw materials to the meticulous production of craft beer, each step is undertaken with the aim of offering a beer that satisfies the most demanding palates. A toast to authenticity every sip of Marialti is a toast to authenticity, agricultural passion, and to the territory we love. Join us in this unique beer adventure and discover the flavor of Romagna in each glass.

Catégorie de produit


Les produits à la foire

  • - Golde ale with barley and hops from its own production

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Sans gluten
Blé complet
Km 0
Sans conservateur
Sans additifs
Chaîne d'approvisionnement durable