On April 18, 2018, the Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies recognized the Consortium for the protection of the nougat of Bagnara PGI. It is the first Italian protection consortium in the confectionery field. It aims to verify the quality of the raw materials used for the production of the confectionery product that has the ""Nougat of Bagnara PGI"" by brand and controls compliance with the production disciplinary adopted by all the master pastry chefs who use the quality brand. The peculiait of our nougat must be sought first of all in its ancient production technique which consists in cooking in the direct heat boiler, at an initial temperature between 180 and 200 ° C. Through the mechanical compound, the nougat reaches a brown color, so -called â € � “A mantle of monacoâ €. We therefore proceed to a slow and gradual cooking, for a time that varies according to the quantity of honey used and the incorporated humidity rate. Respect these days is fundamental because it allows the sugar mass to reach, at room temperature, a vitreous consistency that subjected to pressure is shattered. The natural aromas (cinnamon and cloves) and, in the glazed roasted version, the unstained toasted almonds, until obtaining a homogeneous mixture are added. On the palate, the sweetness of the dough is balanced by the flavor of the toasted almonds and by a clear sensation of mast, with a slight spicy aftertaste that, in the â € version � “Inrofate icy "", incorporates the perception of bitter cocoa.
Catégorie de produit
Les produits à la foire
- Bagnara IGP Torrone
- Other Christmas Sweets