The Vinicola Battaglia Vini company was born in 1958 to Vincenzo Battaglia. He is subsequently directed by his son Carmelo with his wife Anna and today, almost 70 years later, it is the third generation that took the reins: Rossella, Antonella and Vincenzo. A historic company, well rooted in the territory, with cellar and vineyards in the municipality of Reggio Calabria and various plots in the neighboring areas. Wise processes in compliance with tradition, accompanied by avant -garde wine techniques, allow to achieve the important objective of the quality and authenticity of the product. ""Our corporate mission - say the owners 'brothers - is to bring to our customers' table the true Calabrian quality, excellent products that only our territory can give us!""
Catégorie de produit
Les produits à la foire
- Tasting packs
- Passito
- White wine
- Red wine
- Rose
- Wine other