

The Alessio company was born from an idea by Daniele Alessio. It all started planting lemons in a small plot of land near home for personal use, but given the goodness of the product, an adequate production has begun for the sale by expanding lemon grove which today has several tens of plants. The company is currently in biological conversion. Passion, ambition, dedication: they are the best adjectives to describe the Alessio di Capaccio Paestum (SA) farm. A rich lemon plantation that gives life to quality products such as jams, 100% natural limoncello and baked goods. A territory rich in perfumes, colors and wonderful places to relax and enjoy the goodness of the pure air; characterized by sea, extensive plain and archaeological temples. A noble product, such as lemon, always present on Italian tables, famous above all along the Campania coast, characterized by an intense perfume and a color so live directly connected to the color of the sun and life.

Catégorie de produit


Les produits à la foire

  • - Pomegranate Juice

  • - Homemade Lemonade

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  • - Liquors

  • - Limoncello

  • - Gin

  • - Pomegranate Liqueur

  • - Baba

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  • - Classic without candied fruit

  • - Panettone with Limoncello syrup

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  • - Jams & Marmalades

  • - Lemon Marmalade

  • - Pomegranate Jam

  • - Fig Jam

  • - Mixed Jams

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  • - Other Desserts

  • - Cookies with Lemon Jam

  • - Dried Figs with Walnuts

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