Giovanni Monaci originating in Branzi, a small town in the Brembana Valle, has cultivated the passion for the production of Branzi cheese since a child. This passion soon turned into ""trade"" by doing John, after 40 years of activity, one of the most experienced casaries of the Bergamo land. After a long time in that of San Giovanni Bianco, in 2003 he founded Casera Monaci Srl in Almenno San Salvatore, where with the help of the family he specialized in the production of a wide range of both vaccines and goat products. He collaborates with his son Luca, a skilled Casaro who in the meantime has grown alongside his side, in focus and enhancement of the production of cheese Branzi (also included in the produced produced Bergamo Citta 'of the Thousand Flavors), giving life to a series of Products that reflect the tradition of the Bergamo land. The production and seasoning of the cheeses are performed in the structure in which you can also find a business store, a real flagship of the activity, where pampered by the courtesy and the precious advice of the Rina wife and daughter Clara yes They can buy the fabulous cheeses of the Casera Monaci all coordinated in an excellent way from the other son Roberto who follows the business part of the company.
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