History of the Crescia di Gubbio since 1900 on Christ, loaves had been kneaded with various flours which were then cooked on red -hot slabs. They probably have the Etruscans to transmit to local populations the way of cooking cereals. The first cereal cultivated by the Romans was barley, but it was soon replaced by spelled, a typical durum wheat from Upper Lazio, still appreciated today. In the fourth century before Christ, the wheat replaced the spelled and the appearance of the first leavened bread traced back to that period. In the first century before Christ, the first focaccia were cooked under the ash or in the oven. Like the cake to the text of our day, even these focaccia never eaten on their own, but they were accompanied with cheese. Both bread and focaccia, became a fundamental element in Roman food. In 1300 AD, the plague, the peasants no longer had the possibility of being able to eat the leavened bread and returned to the consumption of barley flours, polent and of renamed focaccia made with less valuable cereals, with guy and dry legumes. The first culinary schools were born in the Renaissance. Each Italian region today has its focaccia and its bread, but only in a few regions, the focaccia continue to be consumed. One of these is precisely the ""Crescia"" or ""Cake to the text"", contrary to what can make the name think it is not a dessert but a savory pie, a focaccia, which has a relative next in the most famous piadina Romagnola , while maintaining at all particular characteristics. The shape is that of a disc with variable height between 1 and 2 cm and diameter around 30 cm. , which was putting on the heat then, once removed, used to cook the dough lying on it; Today, the traditional text was first replaced with concrete discs subsequently by cast iron discs, which can be used on a normal gas stove. Obviously the result is not entirely similar to that obtained following the traditional cooking technique. The dough of the cake to the text is simple, since the basic components are water, flour, salt and, for some, yeast. An empirical system to verify the optimal heating degree is to throw a pinch of flour on the hot text: only if the flour does not burn immediately but slowly brown the text will it be at the right gradation. This product, but for Isidoro Angeloni these three words represented in reality ""the true cresce of Gubbio"". Gubbio's real cresce was born in 1994 from a project that saw the ""Crescia"" entering the most part of the Italian tables and some foreign. The goal was to make this typical Eugubino product love by everyone which can be considered such on respecting three fundamental rules: ""Tradition - authenticity - Passion""
Catégorie de produit
Les produits à la foire
- Baked goods other CRESCIA DI GUBBIO