That of the Trentino Grappa of Trentino is a real art that sees its birth from family traditions handed down throughout the centuries, from generation to generation. Different historical testimonies allow to trace the origins of the distillation of the marc: the documents found during the periods attest to the existence of â € � “master distillers, already starting from the first met of the eight hundred and, the same, are proof of the presence of Trentino distillates to the Habsburg Court. A journey over two centuries that has seen the 30 distilleries present to Trentino arises: craftsmen who keep the secrets of the distillation and which bring 8% of the entire annual production to the market, thanks to the selection of little fresh marc. as a guarantee of quality. Unique in perfumes and softness, elegant and refined: the Trentino grappa is a product rich in facets and is a real mirror of the territory in which it is produced. Precisely to highlight its exclusivity and quality, in the sixties the Grappa of Trentino Protection Institute was born. The idea of ​​the five founders (Bertagnolli, Pisoni, Sebastiani, Signa and Bassetti) was to give life to a protection body that enhanced the production, obtained exclusively from Trentino marc, and that qualified these products with the trident brand, affixed and recognizable on each single bottle. Self -discipline rules and severe controls have made the institute what is today: an indisputable guarantee of quality, also certified by the collaboration with external bodies such as Foundation Mach â € ""Agricultural Institute of San Michele to the Adige, which carries out Constantly of laboratory chemical analyzes, and the dedicated commission of the Trento Chamber of Commerce, which deals with organoleptic exams.
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