He was a child when Nunzio Margiotta learned the secrets of white art helping his mother Sabina, a very young widow, in the preparation of bread, taralli and traditional desserts, then sold at home for the sustenance of the family. After the studies, Nunzio started a flourishing distribution of baked goods that would bring him, encouraged and supported by his children, to realize in 2003, the dream of his life: a great artisan tarallificio capable of industrial production standards. Thus was born our company Apulia Food and its brands: the treasures of Canusium, Cé taga DD and Tarallì. Currently, our company boasts collaborations with the most important retailers of the G.D.O. and D.O throughout the Italian and international territory. The added value that still distinguishes us today is to make our Taralli by not forgetting the tradition, in authenticity and the simplicity of these products. In fact, among our lines we can boast that of the handmade braids, a distinctive symbol that still characterizes us on the market. To produce our Taralli we use only high quality raw materials, scrupulously selected, which give the product a fragrance and a unique flavor.
Catégorie de produit