AL CAMPO di Alberto Antenucci
The farm at the field of Alberto Antenucci was established in 2021, for the sale of extra virgin olive oil, obtained from the olives collected in the family owned fields, sites in the Trigno valley (CB). The main field is the same that my grandfather Giuseppe used as the only source of family sustenance, therefore, in addition to the olive trees and the garden, unused spaces were present in the past for the breeding of cattle. With the disappearance of my grandfather, and the abandonment of the campaigns of many inhabitants of the territory, no one has dealt with the care of the field anymore, which would have been destined for the sale, as many do in the area. At this point, a story now written, comes to a turning point: not wanting to passively accept this epilogue, about fifteen years ago I started to put in place olive plants of different ages and of different cultivars, mainly ""Gentile di Chieti "", The native plant in the area. The passion for the cultivation of olive trees is not long in coming, so I decide to take over other small olive groves, always of family owned. The path chosen is that of tradition, the care of the earth and nature, deciding not to use pesticides that can compromise the quality and naturalness of the fruit. The collection of olives is made strictly by hand, given the characteristics of the plants and the territory, which follows, immediately after the collection, the cold pressing. The analyzes, performed annually, reward the authenticity of the product, calling it ""olive extra virgin olive, medium fruity"".
Catégorie de produit