
Antico Molino Pussini

Antico Molino Pussini
The Molino Pussini, located in Blue locality in the Natisone valleys of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, boasts an ancient history, than some documents they report since 1400. it is known that in the oldest phase of its activity This mill was part of the goods belonging to the noble family of the Claricini and the biggest news you have in a modern time, thanks to Documentations contained in the regional archives of the region. The arrival of the first member of the Pussini family to conduct the mill is Registered in 1779. From that moment on, until today, the Mill of Azzida has been from generation to generation, always remaining in business And following the technological evolution in the field of milling. Initially the Molino worked thanks to two wooden wheels moved from the Water strength and produced corn and corn flour with the ancient Vitruvian system, which uses hydraulic energy to move the millstones. From 1850 we know that a second building was built near the mill. The latter was smaller, built exclusively to accommodate the Orzo piling system. This building clearly appears in the Austrian cadastral map, from which we can see the long canal, about 400 meters, and a robust dam on the river bed that has the task of Accumulate water and convey it to the channel that feeds the mill. In 1914 a further improvement took place and instead of wheels in Wood moving a hydraulic turbine is installed. There turbine is nothing but a minor-size wheel, built no longer in wood but in metal and is moved from the water conveyed with greater pressure. In this way the system produces a very higher power compared to the previous. In recent years the Molino has undergone further modernizations both in infrastructure that in the machines, adding a chain capable of Maintain the same high quality of the product by adding the Vacuum packaging quality. Thanks to the dedication and passion of the Pussini family, the Molino contributed to history, remaining in step With time to always guarantee the quality of their flour.

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